
Peer-reviewed journal publications

  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Mitchell, M., Ramberg, R., Woltjer, R., (2022). A live mindset in Live Virtual Constructive simulations – a spin-up for future LVC-air combat training. Journal of Defence Modeling and Simulation. SAGE.
  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Mitchell, M., Ramberg, R., Woltjer, R., (2022). LVC Allocator: Aligning Training Value with Scenario Design for Envisioned LVC Training of Fast-Jet Pilots. Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, vol 19 (3), pp. 287-298. SAGE.
  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Brynielsson, J., Lindquist, S., Ramberg, R. (2019). Design of Simulator Training: A comparative study of Swedish dynamic decision-making training facilities. Cognition, Technology and Work (CTW) DOI
  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Lindquist, S., Mitchell, M., Persson, T., Ramberg, R., Romero, M., ter Vehn, P. (2019). Supporting After Action Review in Simulator Mission Training: Co-creating visualization concepts for training of fast-jet fighter pilotsJournal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, JDMS. SAGE. DOI: 10.1177/1548512918823296
  • Dissanayeke, U., Hewagamage, K. P., Ramberg, R., & Wikramanayake, G., (2015). Initiating m-learning among a group of young farmers from Kandy district Sri Lanka: An activity theory based approach. In International Journal of Tropical Agriculture Research (vol. 26 (1)), pp 26-38.
  • Dissanayeke, U., Hewagamage, K. P., Ramberg, R., & Wikramanayake, G., (2014). Mobile technology enhanced collaborative learning efforts in guided informal learning. In: International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer), vol. 7(4).
  • Ekanayake, H., Backlund, P., Ziemke, T., Ramberg, R., & Hewagamage, H., (2014). Comparing Expert and Novice Driving Behaviour in a Driving Simulator. In International Journal of Interaction Design & Architecture (IxD&A), special issue “Games for Learning”.
  • Ekanayake, H., Backlund, P., Ziemke, T., Hewagamage, Ramberg, R., & Lebram, M., (2013). Comparing Expert Driving Behavior in Real World and Simulator Contexts. In: International Journal of Computer Games Technology, vol. 2013, article ID 891431, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
  • Ekanayake, H., Fors, U., Ramberg, R., Backlund, P., Ziemke, T., & Hewagamage, H., (2013). Affective Realism of Animated Films in the Development of Simulation-Based Tutoring Systems. Special issue on Emotional Intelligence for Online Learning in International Journal of Distance Education Technology, vol 11 (2), pp. 96-109. IGI Global.
  • Ekanayake, H., Backlund, P., Ziemke, T., Ramberg, R., & Hewagamage, K., (2010). Game interaction state graphs for evaluation of user engagement in explorative and experience-based training games. ICTER2010.
  • Eliasson, J., & Ramberg, R. (2012) Design Guidelines for Location-Based and Contextual Learning Supported by Mobile Devices. In International Journal of Handheld Computing Research, 3(2), 26-43.
  • Eliasson, J., C-Pargman, T., Nouri, J., Spikol, D., & Ramberg, R., (2011). Mobile Devices as Support Rather than Distraction of Mobile Learners: Evaluating Guidelines for Design. In the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 4 (2), IGI Global.
  • Faraon, M., Rönkkö, K., Wiberg, M., & Ramberg, R., (2019). Learning by coding: A socio-cultural approach to teaching web development in higher education. Education and Information Technologies. Springer.
  • Karlgren, K., Ramberg, R., & Artman, H., (2015). Designing Interaction – How do interaction design students address aspects of interaction. In International Journal of Technology and Design Education, vol. 25 (2). DOI: 10.1007/s10798-015-9314-3.
  • Karlgren, K., & Ramberg, R., (2012). Collaborative Interaction Design: Running into Gaps of Framing Problems and the Use of Design Patterns. In: Special issue on Quality of collaboration in design: CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, vol. 8 (4), pp. 231-246, Taylor Francis.
  • Knutsson, O., & Ramberg, R., (2018). Teachers’ Collaborative Pattern Language Design. Designs for Learning, 10(1), pp. 1-17. DOI:
  • Masiello, I., Ramberg, R., & Lonka, K., (2005). Attitudes to the application of a Web-based learning system. Computers & Education, 45(2), 171-1852005.
  • Masiello, I., Ramberg, R., & Lonka, K., (2005). Learning in a Web-based System in Medical Education”, Medical Teacher, 27(6).
  • Nouri, J, Cerratto-Pargman, T, Rossitto, C, Ramberg, R (2014). Learning with or without mobile devices? A comparison of traditional school field-trips and inquiry-based mobile learning activities. In Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL). 01/2014.
  • Nouri, J., C-Pargman, T., & Ramberg, R.,  Eliasson, J., (2011). Exploring the Challenges of Supporting Collaborative Mobile Learning. In: International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning Research, vol. 3(4), DOI: 10.4018/IJMBL, IGI Global.
  • Ramberg, R., (2016). Editorial for EJEL. Electronic Journal of E-Learning, vol. 14 (5). Academic Conferences International Limited.
  • Ramberg, R., Artman, H., & Karlgren, K., (2013). Designing Learning Opportunities in Interaction Design: Interactionaries as a means to study and teach student design processes. In: Journal of Designs for Learning, vol 6 (1-2).
  • Ramberg, R., & Karlgren, K., (1997). Fostering Superficial Learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 14(2).
  • Ramberg, R., (1996). Construing and Testing Explanations in a Complex Domain. Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 12 (1), pp. 29-48.
  • Rolf, E., Knutsson, O. & Ramberg, R. (2022). Components of learning in upper secondary teachers’ pedagogical patterns. Technology, Pedagogy and Education.
  • Rolf, E., Knutsson, O., & Ramberg, R., (2021). Teachers’ Design Processes: An analysis of teachers’ design talk and use of pedagogical patterns. Interaction Design and Architecture(s), ID&A. Vol. 49, pp. 135-160. ISSN: 1826-9745
  • Rolf, E., Knutsson, O., & Ramberg, R., (2019). An analysis of digital competence as expressed in design patterns for technology use in teaching. British Journal of Educational Technology, BJET. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12739.
  • Schleußinger, M., Hansen, P., & Ramberg, R. (2023). Immersive information seeking–A scoping review of information seeking in virtual reality environments. Journal of Information Science, 0(0).
  • Tollmar, K., Harling, L., & Ramberg, R., (2011). On The Derive for Mobile Experience. In wi: journal of mobile media: Special issue on methodological issues for studying user experiences, 2011 (10), ISSN:1918-2104.
  • Waern, Y., Ramberg, R., & Österlund, B., (1995). On the Role of Explanations in Understanding a Complex Domain. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 203, pp. 245-258.
  • Waern, Y., & Ramberg, R., (1996). People’s Perception of Human and Computer Advice. Computers in Human Behavior 12, (1).
  • Wang, JinYi., & Ramberg, R., (2012). User Participatory Sketching in User Requirements Gathering. In International Journal Research and Surveys ICIC-express letters: Special issue on Computer Human Interaction, vol. 6, no 12, dec 2012.
  • Weerasinghe, T., Ramberg, R., Hewagamage, H., (2014). Student led inquiry-based learning. In International journal of Education and Information Technologies, vol. 8, pp. 265-275. ISSN: 2074-1316.
  • Weerasinghe, T., Ramberg, R., Hewagamage, H., (2012). Inquiry-Based Learning With and Without Facilitator Interactions. In Journal of Distance Education, 26(2), AUPress.
  • Weerasinghe, T., Ramberg, R., & Hewagamage, K. P., (2012). Re-evaluation of Community of Inquiry Model with its Metacognitive Presence Construct. In International Journal of Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, 2012, vol. 5 (4).
  • Weerasinghe, T., Ramberg, R., & Hewagamage, K. P., (2009). Designing Online Learning Environments for Distance Learning. In International Journal of Instructional Technology. Vol. 6. No. 3. ISSN 1550-6908.
  • Weerasinghe, T., Ramberg, R., & Hewagamage, K., (2008). Learner’s Satisfaction, Learning Style Preferences and Effectiveness of an OLE. International Journal on Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), vol. 3, pp. 77-85.
  • Woltjer, R., Ramberg, R., Artman, H., Aronsson, S., Mitchell, M., & Oskarsson, P-A., (2023). The Future of Fighter Pilot Training? Live Virtual Constructive in Large Force Exercises: Perceived and Expected Training Value, The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/24721840.2023.2247444

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

  • Artman, H., House, D., Hultén, M., Karlgren, K., & Ramberg, R., (2015). The Interactionary as a Didactic Format in Design Education. Paper presented at the conference “Scholarship of technology and learning 2015”, the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH.
  • Artman, H., Karlgren, K., Ramberg, R., & Strååt, B., (2012). Designing Interaction in Interaction Design: Using interactionarires in order to understand student use of interaction design concepts. In proceedings of International conference Designs for Learning, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Artman, H., Ramberg, R.,, Sundholm, H., & C-Pargman, T., (2005). Action Context and Target Context Representations: A Case Study on Collaborative Design Learning. In: Koschman, T., Suthers, D., & Chan, T.W., (Eds.), International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • C-Pargman, T., Knutsson, O., Milrad, M., Otero, N., Ramberg, R., Spikol, D., (2014). Purposeful Learning Across Collaborative Educational Spaces. In proceedings of ICLS2014,  International Conference of the Learning Sciences.
  • C-Pargman, T., Knutsson, O., Milrad, M., Otero, N., Ramberg, R., Spikol, D., (2014). Purposeful Learning Across Collaborative Educational Spaces. Paper presented at UNESCO Mobile Learning Week, Paris, 17-21 February.
  • C-Pargman, T., Knutsson, O., Spikol, D., Milrad, M., Ramberg, R., Otero, N., (2014). Exploring teachers’ perspectives on the use of mobile devices for math and language learning. In proceedings of 4th International conference Designs for Learning, 6-9 May, 2104.
  • Dahlbäck, N., Hägglund, S., Jansson, C-G., Ohlsson, K., Ramberg, R., & Severinsson-Eklundh, K., (2005). HMI: The Graduate School for Human Machine Interaction. CHI’ 2005.
  • Dahlqvist, P., & Ramberg, R., (1998). Opinions Towards and Expectations on Computer Based Learning Tools. In: Cumming, G., Okamoto, T., & Gomez, L., (Eds.), Proceedings of The International Conference on Computers in Education, Chiba, Japan, Nov.
  • Dahlqvist, P., Tholander, J., Karlgren, K., & Ramberg, R., (1998). Animating the Pendulum. A Pilot Study of 7:th Grade Students. In: Maurer, H., & Olson, R., (Eds.), Proceedings of Webnet98. Orlando, Florida, Nov. 1998.
  • Dissanayeke, U., Hewagamage, K. P., Ramberg, R., & Wikramanayake, G., (2014). Creating m-Learning opportunities using mobile SMS based Twitter implementation to facilitate collaborative learning. In proceedings of ICTER 2014, vol 14, pp 49-54. IEEE Xplore, ISSN: 978-1-4799-7732-1.
  • Dissanayeke, U., Hewagamage, K. P., Wikramanayeke, G., & Ramberg, R., (2014). Informal mLearning Research in Agriculture: An activity theory based approach. In proceedings of EDULearn, pp. 3450-3458. ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3.
  • Dissanayeke, U., Hewagamage, K. P., Ramberg, R., & Wikramanayake, G., (2014). Initiating m-learning among a group of young farmers from Kandy district Sri Lanka: An activity theory based approach. In proceedings of PGIA Congress 20-21 November 2014, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
  • Dissanayeke, U., Hewagamage, K. P., Wikramanayeke, G. N., & Ramberg, R., (2013). A Theoretical Framework to Conduct Informal Mobile-Learning Research in Agriculture. In proceedings of ICTER 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  • Dissanayeke, U., Hewagamage, K. P., Wikramanayeke, G. N., & Ramberg, R., (2013). Twitter in Informal Agriculture Education: An Activity Theory Based Analysis of a Mobile Learning Approach. In proceedings of EDULEARN13.
  • Dissanayeke, U., Hewagamage, K. P., Ramberg, R., Wikramanayake, G. N., (2013). Twitter Micro-Blogging Based Mobile Learning Approach to Enhance the Agriculture Education Process. In proceedings of IADIS Mobile Learning 2013.
  • Dissanayeke, U., Hewagamage, K. P., Ramberg, R., Wikramanayake, G. N., (2012). An Activity Theory Based Approach to Introduce mLearning in Agriculture. In proceedings of mLearn 2012, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Ekanayake, H., Backlund, P., Ziemke, T., Ramberg, R., & Hewagamage, K., (2011). Formula to Assess the Performance Competence in Serious Training Games. In proceedings of ACII, Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, vol. 2, pp. 518-527.
  • Eliasson, J., Knutsson, O., Ramberg, R., & C-Pargman, T., (2013). Using Smartphones and QR Codes for Supporting Students in Exploring Tree Species. In D. Hernandez-Leo, T. Ley, R. Klamma & A. Harrer (Eds.), Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact (vol. 8095), pp 436-441. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Eliasson, J., Knutsson, O., & Ramberg, R., (2012). Six Ways of Interacting with Mobile Devices in Inquiry-Based Learning. In proceedings of the International conference on Mobile Learning.
  • Eliasson, J., Nouri, J., Karlsson, O., Knutsson, O., Ramberg, R., & Cerratto-Pargman, T., (2012). Evaluating Interaction with Mobile Devices in Mobile Inquiry Based Learning. In proceedings of WMUTE2012, DOI:10.1109/WMUTE.2012.23.
  • Eliasson, J., Nouri, J., Ramberg, R., & C-Pargman, T., (2010). Heuristics for Designing Mobile Geometry Learning Activities with Balanced Visual Focus on Devices. In proceedings of m-Learn2010.
  • Eliasson, Spikol, C-Pargman & Ramberg (2010). Getting the bees away from the hive: Balancing device focus in mobile learning. In proceedings of International Conference on Mobile Learning.
  • Eliasson, J., C-Pargman, T., & Ramberg, R., (2009). Embodied Interaction or Context-Aware Computing? An integrated approach to design. In: Proceedings Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5610-56 Jacko, J.A.; Stephanidis, C.; Harris, D.; Schmorrow, D.D.; Grootjen, M.; Karsh, B.-T.; Shumaker, R.; Zaphiris, P.; Ozok, A.A.; Duffy, V.G.; Kurosu, M.; Smith, M.J.; Salvendy, G.; Aykin, N.; Estabrooke, I.V. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-3-642-02944-8.
  • Eliasson, J., & Ramberg, R., (2010). Design Oriented Research or Research Oriented Design in Mobile Learning. Position paper at 1st Nordic Symposium on Technology Enhanced Learning, NOrDITEL2010, Växjö Sweden.
  • Faraon, M., Kaipainen, M., Villavicencio, V., & Ramberg, R., (2013). From mobilization to consensus: Innovating cross-media services to organize crowds into collaborative communities. In P. Parycek & N. Edelmann (Eds.), CeDEM13: Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government (pp. 229-242). Krems: Edition Donau-Universität Krems.
  • Jander, H., Borgvall, J., & Ramberg, R., (2012). Towards a Methodological Framework for HMI Readiness Evaluation. In proceedings of HFES: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, vol. 56 (1), pp. 2349-2353, SAGE journals.
  • Karlgren, K., & Ramberg, R., (1998). Learning the Refined Language Game of Polarization of Light in Physics. In: Bruckman, A., Guzdial, M., Kolodner, J., & Ram, A., (Eds.), Proceedings of the ICLS98 (International Conference on the Learning Sciences), Atlanta, Dec.16-19.
  • Karlgren, K., Tholander, J., Dahlqvist, P., & Ramberg, R., (1998). Authenticity in Training Systems for Conceptual Modelers. In: Bruckman, A., Guzdial, M., Kolodner, J., & Ram, A., (Eds.), Proceedings of the ICLS98 (International Conference on the Learning Sciences), Atlanta, Dec. 16-19.
  • Karlgren, K., & Ramberg, R., (1996). Language Use and Conceptual Change in Learning. In: Brna, P., Paiva, A., & Self, J. (eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (EuroAIED), Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Karlström, P., C-Pargman, T., & Ramberg, R., (2005). Designing for Collaboration in Intelligent Computer Assisted Learning. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2005.
  • Knutsson, O. & Ramberg, R. (2016). Collaborative Pattern Language Representation of Designs for Learning. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Designs for Learning, Copenhagen, Denmark. Short paper,
  • Knutsson, O., & Ramberg, R., (2015). A Pattern Approach to the Design of Technology Mediated Collaborative Learning in Primary Schools. Position paper at the International conference of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL.
  • Lantz, A., Artman, H., & Ramberg, R., (2005). Interaction Design as Experienced by Practitioners. In web- proceedings of the Nordic Design Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Nouri, J., Eliasson, J., Ramberg, R., & Rutz, F., (2010). Exploring Mediums of Pedagogical Support in an Across Contexts Mobile Learning Activity. In proceedings of European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL.
  • Nouri, J., Eliasson, J., Rutz., F., Ramberg, R., & C-Pargman, T., (2010). An Activity Theory Analysis of Collaboration in a Mobile Learning Activity. In Proceedings of mLeaarn 2010, Valletta, Spain.
  • Nouri, J., & Ramberg, R., (2010). The Design of Mobile Learning Activities Informed by Learning Theories. Position paper at 1st Nordic Symposium on Technology Enhanced Learning, NOrDITEL2010, Växjö Sweden.
  • Ramberg, R., Artman, H., Woltjer, R., Aronsson, S., Mitchell, M., (2023). LVC, What is it good for? Trade-Offs in training value of Live Virtual Constructive air combat training in large force exercises. In proceedings of: International Symposium on Aviation Psychology 2023. Rochester institute of technology.
  • Ramberg, R., (2013). Design-Based Mobile Learning Research: Results and reflections on communication and sustainability. In proceedings of ICTER2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  • Ramberg, R., (2009). Deterring plagiarism: assuming a pedagogical approach. Key note e-Asia2009. In proceedings of e-Asia2009.
  • Ramberg, R., Artman, H., Sundholm, H., & C-Pargman, T., (2004). Creative Collaboration with Representations: A Case Study of Interaction Design in an Interactive Space. In web-proceedings of Kaleidoscope (NoE) CSCL-SIG conference.
  • Ramberg, R., & Karlgren, K., (1999). Explanatory Support for Learning Physics. In: Cumming, G., Okamoto, T., & Gomez, L., (Eds.), Proceedings of The International Conference on Computers in Education, Chiba, Japan, Nov.
  • Ramberg, R., & Karlgren, K., (1997). Fostering Superficial Knowledge. In Proceedings of PEG 1997.
  • Ramberg, R., & Falk, J., (1994). Communication of Knowledge: Problems and Prospects, In Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Ethics in the Public Service.
  • Rolf E., Knutsson O., Ramberg R. (2017) The Implicit Pedagogy of Teachers’ Design Patterns. In: Lavoué É., Drachsler H., Verbert K., Broisin J., Pérez-Sanagustín M. (eds) Data Driven Approaches in Digital Education. EC-TEL 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10474. Springer, Cham.
  • Rutz, F., Eliasson, J., Ramberg, R., & Nouri, J., (2011). Evaluating the amount of audio recorders needed in an M-TEL study. In: A. Sanchez & P. Isaias (Eds), Proceedings of Mobile Learning 2011. IADIS press.
  • Sundholm, H., Ramberg, R., & Artman, H., (2004). Learning Conceptual Design: Collaborative Activities with Electronic Whiteboards. In Proceedings of CADE04 – Computers in Art and Design Education.
  • Thies, A., & Ramberg, R., (2011). Design Methodology in Clinical Innovation: A study of generic, patient-centered information at emergency rooms. In proceedings of NordCode 2011.
  • Tholander, J., Karlgren, K,, & Ramberg, R., (2008). Where All the Interaction Is: Sketching in Interaction Design as an Embodied Practice. In proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), 2008.
  • Tholander, J., Rutz, F., Johannesson, P., Karlgren, K., & Ramberg, R., (1999). A Pedagogical Assistant for Learning Object-Oriented Design: Nagging Students into Self-Reflection. In: Baggott. L & Nichol. J (Eds.), Proceedings of PEG, pp. 382-388.
  • Tholander, J., Rutz, F., Karlgren, K., & Ramberg, R., (1999). Design and Evaluation of an Apprenticeship Setting for Learning Object-Oriented Modeling. In: Cumming, G., Okamoto, T., & Gomez, L., (Eds.), Proceedings of The International Conference on Computers in Education, Chiba, Japan, Nov.
  • Tholander, J., Karlgren, K., Dahlqvist, P., & Ramberg, R., (1998). Cognitive Apprenticeship in Training for Conceptual Modelling. In: Maurer, H., & Olson, R., (Eds.), Proceedings of Webnet98. Orlando, Florida, Nov.
  • Tollmar, K., Harling, L., & Ramberg, R., (2010). On Derive for Mobile Experience: Observing the Mobile User Experience. Workshop paper and organizer at NordiCHI 2010.
  • Verhagen, H., C-Pargman, T., Hansson, H., Näckros, K., Ramberg, R., Azevedo, D., Westerborn, M., & Wettergren, G., (2009). Control, creativity and cheating in traditional and flexible education – Validating students’ knowledge in higher education in three educational setups. In proceedings of the 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education.
  • Verhagen, H., Azevedo, D., Ramberg, R., & C-Pargman, T., (2010). Plagiarism awareness, perception, and attitudes among students and teachers in Swedish higher education – a case study. In proceedings of 4th International Plagiarism Conference, Oxford.
  • Waern, Y., & Ramberg, R., (2004). Distributed Knowledge by Explanation Networks. In: Ralph H. Sprague Jr. (Ed.), Proceedings of HICCS 2004, 0-7695-2056-1.
  • Waern, Y., Dahlqvist, P., & Ramberg, R., (2000). Learning Contexts – Does Multimedia Affect Physics Learning? In: R.H. Sprague, Jr (Ed.), Proceedings of HICCS 2000.
  • Waern, Y., Hägglund, S., Ramberg, R., Rankin, I., & Harrius, J., (1995). Computational Advice and Explanations – Behavioural and Computational Aspects. In: K. Nordby, P.H. Helmersen, D.J. Gilmore and S.A. Arnesen (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT’95, Chapman & Hall, Oxford, 1995, 0-412-71790-5.
  • Wang, Jinyi., Ramberg, R., & Kuoppala, H., (2012). User Participatory Sketching: A Complementary Approach to Gather User Requirements. In proceedings of APCHI 2012.
  • Weerasinghe, T., Ramberg, R., & Hewagamage, K. P., (2013). Designing a peer-teaching activity to promote inquiry-based learning. In proceedings of International conference on E-Activities, Nanjing, China. WSEAS publishers.
  • Weerasinghe, T., Ramberg, R., & Hewagamage, K. P., (2009), Guidelines to design successful online learning environments. In proceedings of e-Asia2009.
  • Weerasinghe, T., Ramberg, R., & Hewagamage, K., (2008). An Empirical Study: A Success Story of Effectiveness of an OLE. In: Auer, M. E., (Ed.), Proceedings of ICL2008.

Books & book chapters

  • Arnseth, H. C., Hanghøj, T., Duus-Henriksen, T. D., Misfeldt, M., Ramberg, R., & Selander, S., (2018). Introduction: Scandinavian perspectives. In: Arnseth, H. C., Hanghøj, T., Duus-Henriksen, T. D., Misfeldt, M., Ramberg, R., & Selander, S., (eds.), Games and Education: Designs in and for learning, pp. 1-13. Brill NV. DOI: 10.1163/9789004388826_001
  • Hernwall, P., Ramberg, R., & Björck, C. (2025). Automated visualisations of classroom interactions as support for professional development. In Paloma, F. G., Alfredo di Tore, P., & Mangione, G. R. J., (Eds.): Teacher Training and Student Learning – Past Values, Present Uncertainties and Future Prospects. IntechOpen. ISBN 978-1-83634-818-4. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1009377
  • Karlström, P., C-Pargman, T., & Ramberg, R., (2006). Theoretical Issues Regarding Computerized Writing Tools for Second-language Learning. In: Van Waes, L, Leijten, M, & Neuwirth, C, (Eds.), Writing and Digital Media, pp. 189-198, Elsevier.
  • Knutsson, O., Ramberg, R., & Selander, S., (2021). Designs for learning and knowledge representations in collaborative settings. In: (Eds: Brooks, E, Dau, S., & Selander, S) Digital Learning and Collaborative Practices: Lessons from Inclusive and Empowering Participation with Emerging Technologies, pp. 12-21, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 9780367617752
  • Knutsson, O., & Ramberg, R., (2018). Deltagande design av undervisning. In: Selander, S., & Insulander, E., (eds.), Att bli lärare, pp. 278-283. Liber. ISBN: 978-91-47-12285-1
  • Knutsson, O. & Ramberg, R. (2017). Lärare designar tillsammans – designmönster och mönsterspråk för grundskolan. In: Insulander, E., Kjällander, S., Lindstrand, F. & Åkerfeldt, A. (eds.) Didaktik i omvandlingens tid, pp. 139-149, Stockholm: Liber.
  • Ramberg, R., Artman, H., Karlgren, K., & Tholander, J., (2014). Rollen hos representationer och agerande inom interaktionsdesign. In: “Resultatdialog, Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie”, pp. 156-164. Vetenskapsrådet. ISBN: 978-91-7307-247-2.
  • Ramberg, R., & Artman, H., (2009). Delade representationer och kollaborativt lärande av interaktionsdesign. Resultatdialog, Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie, pp 127-134. ISBN 91-7307-155-0.
  • Ramberg, R., (2006). When Cognitive Psychology Came To Town: An Introspective Analysis Of When A Cognitive Psychologist Met Computer Science. In: Bubenko, J., Jansson, C-G., Kollerbaur, A., Ohlin, T., & Yngström, L., (Eds.), ICT for People – 40 Years of Academic Development in Stockholm, pp. 185-189.
  • Ramberg, R., (1996). Psychological Aspects of Explanations as Support for Problem Solving and Learning. PhD thesis, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University,91-7153-459-8.
  • Ramberg, R., (1992). Explanation? Yes please! A psychological study of explanations within situations of asynhronic interaction. Licentiate Thesis, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University.
  • Sundholm, H., Artman, H., & Ramberg, R., (2004). Backdoor creativity – Collaborative Creativity in Technology Supported Teams. In: Darses, F., Dieng, R., Simone, D., & Zacklad, M., (Eds.), Cooperative Systems Design – Scenario-Based Design of Collaborative Systems, pp. 99-114, IOS Press.
  • Tholander, J., & Ramberg, R., (2006). Datorspel i skolan: Barns och lärares kunskapande med datorspel i skolan. Resultatdialog, Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie, pp. 165-170. ISBN 91-7307-097-1.
  • Waern, Y., Hägglund, S., Ramberg, R., Rankin, I., & Harrius, J., (1995). Computational Advice and Explanations – Behavioural and Computational Aspects. In: Waern, Y., (Ed.), Cognitive Science and Information Technology. Prerequisites and Consequences of the Use of Information Technology, Brytpunkt HSFR.

Other publications, report series, popular, etc.

  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Mitchell, M., Ramberg, R., & Woltjer, R. (2022). : Live Virtual Constructive i framtida luftstridsövningar: Enkät- och workshopstudie i samband med Arctic Challenge Exercise 2021. FOI-R–5360–SE.
  • Aronsson, S., Ramberg, R., & Woltjer, R., Tourdé, D., (2021). Immersiva lösningar för flygsimulatorer: Kartläggning av framtida studiebehov. FOI-D–1102–SE.
  • Aronsson, S., Svensson, J., Nilsson, V., Larsson, M., Wikberg, P., Tooloutalaie, N., Ramberg, R., Woltjer, R., Lindqvist, J., Tomac, M. (2021). Studie om träningsvärde simulator JTAC: Behovsinventering och möjliga lösningar. ISSN1650-1942. FOI–R–5179–SE.
  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Mitchell, M., Ramberg, R., & Woltjer, R. (2020). LVC Allocator och White Wizard: Fundament för träningsvärde i framtida Live-Virtual-Constructive luftstridsträning [LVC Allocator and White Wizard: Fundaments for training value in future Live Virtual Constructive air combat training] (FOI-R–5047–SE). Swedish Defence Research Agency FOI, Stockholm.
  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Mitchell, M., Ramberg, R., & Woltjer, R. (2019). Träningsvärde för alla! Live-Virtual-Constructive för effektiv luftstridsträning [Training value for all! Live Virtual Constructive for effective air combat training] (FOI-R–4860–SE). Swedish Defence Research Agency FOI, Stockholm.
  • Artman, H., Lindquist, S., Mitchell, M., Ramberg, R., (2018). Utforskande av träningsvärde för Live och Virtual [Exploring training value för Live and Virtual]. (FOI—R—4669—SE). Swedish Defence Research Agency FOI, Stockholm.
  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Lindquist, S., & Ramberg, R., (2017). Effektiv simulatorträning: Slutrapport projekt Effektiv flygträning och utbildning 2015-2017. FOI-R–4520–SE. ISSN: 1650-1942
  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Larsson, M., Lindquist, S., Mitchell, M., Ramberg, R., Ungerth, S. (2017). LVC i vardagen – framtidens flygträning, FOI Memo 6094.
  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Lindquist, S., Ramberg, R. (2016). Visualiseringar som stöd för debriefing vid övning och träning av stridspiloter, Informationsblad, FOI Memo 5797.
  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Brynielsson, J., Lindquist, S., & Ramberg, R. (2015). Koncept för förbättrad debriefing och after action review vid FLSC. FOI Memo 5104.
  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Brynielsson, J., Lindquist, S., Ramberg, R. (2015). Effektiv simulatorbaserad träning – förutsättningar och möjligheter, Informationsblad, FOI Memo 5466.
  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Borgvall, J., Brynielsson, J., Castor, M., Lindquist, S., & Ramberg, R., (2014). Slutrapport projekt PROFET. FOI-R-3958-SE. ISSN 1650-3958. The Swedish defence research agency.
  • Aronsson, S., Artman, H., Brynielsson, J., Lindquist, S., & Ramberg, R., (2014). Utbildning och träning vid svenska civila och militära simulatoranläggningar. FOI-R-3957-SE. ISSN: 1650-1942. The Swedish defence research agency.
  • Artman, H., Borgvall, J., Castor, M., Jander, H., Ramberg, R., (2013). Towards the learning organisation: Frameworks, methods and tools for resource-efficient and effective training. FOI Memo no 3711. ISSN: 1650-1942.
  • Dahlqvist, P,, & Ramberg, R., (1998). Animations in Educational Software: A Pilot Study of 7:th Grade Students. Paper presented at the Second Swedish Symposium on Multimodal Communication (LUCS).
  • Dahlqvist, P., Ramberg, R., & Waern, Y., (1999). The Effects of Different Presentation Formats on Learning. Paper presented at the EARLI99-conference (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction), Gothenburg, Aug. 24th-28th.
  • Jander, H., Borgvall, J., & Ramberg, R., (2012). Towards a Methodological Framework for HMI Readiness Evaluation. FOI-S-4129-SE.
  • Johansson, M., Verhagen, H., Ramberg, R., Selander, S., Åkerfeldt, A., & Weidong, C., (2014). Design for Meaningful Learning: Balancing Learning- and Game Components. In: Proceedings of DSV Writers Hut 2014, pp. 13-23. ISSN: 1101-8526. ISBN: 978-91-637-7457-7.
  • Karlgren, K., & Ramberg, R., (1995). Conceptual Change and Language Use in Learning. DSV Report Series, 95 -039, Stockholm University. Paper presented at The Swedish Workshop on Situated Cognition, Barnens Ö, June 12-13, 1995.
  • Karlgren, K., & Ramberg, R., (1995). Conceptual Shifts and Conceptual Development in Learning: A Study of Learning within the area of Electromagnetic Waves and Polarization. Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University.
  • Ramberg, R. & Knutsson, O. (2016). Del 6. Att arbeta med designmönster.I: Leda och lära i tekniktäta klassrum, Lärportalen, Skolverket.
  • Kollerbaur, A., Larsson, K., & Ramberg, R., (1997). On design of courses delivered within the Global Lifelong Learning project: A summary. Technical report, Departmen of Computer- and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Ramberg, R., Nählinder, S., Borgvall, J., Castor, M., (2012). Lägesrapport – Intervjuserie vid FM träningscenter. FOI Memo 4121. FOI Information and Aerosystems (the report is in Swedish).
  • Ramberg, R., (2011). The Language of Design. In Research Media: International innovation, key drivers to improving quality of life, 2011, issue 4, pp 93-95.
  • Ramberg, R., (1993). Construing and Testing Explanations in a Complex Domain. Human Factors in Information Technology, No. 31. Department of Psychology, Stockholm University.
  • Ramberg, R., (1993). Opinions Toward and Experience of Computer Supported Education. Human Factors in Information Technology, No. 30. Department of Psychology, Stockholm University.
  • Ramberg, R., (1994). Communication of Knowledge: Problems and Prospects. Human Factors in Information Technology, No. 35. Department of Psychology, Stockholm University.
  • Ramberg, R., & Dahlqvist, P., (1997). Opinions Towards and Expectations on IT-tools for learning. DSV-report series, no. 97-014, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Ramberg, R., & Karlgren, K., (1999). Argumentation Based Explanations as Support for Learning. Paper presented at EARLI, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction.
  • Tholander, J., & Ramberg, R,. (2001). Children’s understanding of programming. The ability to move between contexts. Playground project conference, Porto, Portugal, April 2001.
  • Waern, Y., & Ramberg, R., (1991). Characteristics Attributed to Human and Computer Advisers. Human Factors in Information Technology. No. 27. Department of Psychology, Stockholm University.
  • Waern, Y., & Ramberg, R., (1991). “Do people trust computers as experts?”, (1990). Human Factors in Information Technology. No.22. Department of Psychology, Stockholm University.