
I give lectures in courses that in one way or another relate to theories of cognition, learning and design of computer based learning and training environments (see below).

  • I am responsible for a course “Cognitive and Social Sciences in HMI” given at the international masters program on Interactive Systems.
  • I am responsible for and give lectures in a course in Cognitive Psychology held at the Cognitive Engineering track of the Technical Computer Science Education at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.
  • I was responsible for and gave lectures in a course in Cognitive Science. The course is based on the book “Understanding Computers and Cognition”, by Winograd and Flores.
  • I was responsible for a graduate course on ” Cognition, Learning, Instruction and Computers ” which was held at the graduate school for Human Machine Interaction.
  • I was responsible for an introductory course to cognitive science and a project course in cognitive science which earlier were given in the master course in Cognitive Science and Information Technology (40 credits).